Motadata Health E-Mail NotificationΒΆ

Find below Email notifications which motadata is going to E-Mail about the health statics of Motadata.

Subject: Motadata is stopped due to insufficient disk space.( 2000 (MB))

  • Reason: If /motadata partition space is less than or equals to 2000 MB motadata will stop working and before stopping service it will trigger email notification as mentioned on subject line.

Subject: Motadata installation disk drive /motadata has a low disk space.( 5000 (MB))

  • Reason: If /motadata partition space is less than or equals to 5000 MB motadata will send notification E-Mail as mentioned on the subject.

Subject: Motadata License remaining days @@@

  • Reason: Motadata will send this E-Mail notification once the License Remaining Days less than or equals to 10.

Subject: Motadata license has expired.Please contact for renewal.

  • Reason: Motadata will send this E-Mail notification if the License is expired and it will also send the mail of remaining days.

Daily Flow/Log data license quota reached > 90% - Warning State

  • Reason: When Daily Flow/Log data quota is reached to greater than 90, motadata will send E-Mail notification of given subject with Warning state.

Daily Flow/Log data license quota reached > 95% - Critical State

  • Reason: When Daily Flow/Log data quota is reached to greater than 95, motadata will send E-Mail notification of given subject with the critical state.

Daily Flow/Log data license quota reached 100% - Usage Over

  • Reason: When Daily Flow/Log data quota is over, motadata will send E-Mail notification of given subject with Warning state.